Jak korzystać z katalogu elektronicznych komponentów CD-ROM + Internet K97/98?

Frequently Asked Components CDROM+Internet K97/98 http:/7www.schuricht.de

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From: "Schuricht S.I.N.N." <cs_at_nospam_schuricht.de>
Subject: Frequently Asked Components CDROM+Internet K97/98 http:/7www.schuricht.de
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 16:03:16 +0100

Electronic-Components CDROM+ONLINE-Catalogue K97/98,
We now offer you our whole catalogue containing a lot of further
functions and information on CD-ROM + Internet: SCHURICHT K97/98
Extensive ways to look for the required product / +full-text-search
More than 11.000 producer data sheets(pdf) / 35.000 components+systems
from 200 manufacturers can be ordered and delivered as from one piece
Nire than 3.000 coulored figures / integrated ordering administration,
credit-card-orders, CD-Updates by Internet.
... Order Now:

Poland: tel.: 032 2 76 00 96 fax: 032 2 76 00 96

(prices on the WebSite are in DM=DeutscheMark/
the CDrom has configurable currency units)
