electronic components catalogue cdrom K98

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From: "Schuricht S.I.N.N." <sinn_at_nospam_schuricht.de>
Subject: electronic components catalogue cdrom K98
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 16:10:54 +0100

-- electronic components catalogue cdrom K98
links with Internet to warehouse: DIRECTORDER is the new way!
Schuricht electronics presents the 98er high speed catalog!

This Trend-Setting CD-ROM Links the Offline Order Funktion with
The K98 offers, starting from March, beside over 35.000
products of electronics, completely NEW product areas
(electric power tools, ESD protection, low-voltage switching
logic, pneumatics, automatic control and engines). The
entire catalog on CD ROM goes now even on-line! With the
DIRECT-ORDER-function you can order first off-line at the PC
arrange and then, via Internet, transfer directly to SCHURICHT.
With the UPDATE-function you can transfer current program novelties
to your CDROM-Cat on Harddisk ! The CD ROM offers its own order
management and many strong SEARCH functions to you.
Additionally there are (automatically on the CD ROM and in the
Internet) over 14.000 original manufacturer data sheets at your
disposal! You can order the K98 under http://www.schuricht.de
or over the hotline tel.:++49 2233-921 02-12
fax.:++49 2233 921 02 5
or: mailto:info_at_nospam_schuricht.de?subject=cdrom98

Schuricht Interactive New Network