Sprzedaż katalogów CDROM z elektroniką ? aktualna lista dostępnych płyt
NEW2-Katalogi CDROM
From: Robert <qsin_at_nospam_archimedes.pol.lublin.pl>
Subject: NEW2-Katalogi CDROM
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 18:34:37 +0200
Posiadam orginalne plyty CDROM z katalogami elektronicznymi:
Zainteresowanych prosze o kontakt. Istnieje mozliwosc skopiowania za
symboliczna -:) zlotowke (koszt plyty + przesylki + rekompensata czasu
straconego na przegranie).
Oto nowa lista plyt:
Nr NAZWA / Edition / Data / SYSTEM / Uwagi
01-0 ACTEL Data Book and Design Guide - 1998
02-0 ALTERA - Digital Library - September1998
02-1 ALTERA - MAX+PLUS II Programmable Logic Development Software -
02-2 ALTERA - Target Applications - Reference designs for DSP,PCI, and
communications applications
03-0 AMD-FLASH MEMORY Products - 1998
03-1 AMD-Networking Products - Ver.1.0 11/96
03-2 AMD-Networking Products (Literature and Software) - Ver.4.0 11/98
05-0 ANALOG DEVICES - Designers'Reference Manual - Winter 97/98
07-0 ATMEL PRODUCTS Configurable Logic Microcontroller - October 1998
09-0 FAIRCHILD Semiconductor - Logic & Memory - 1998
11-0 Fujitsu - Semiconductor Data Book - December 1997
11-1 Fujitsu - Semiconductor Data Book - June 1998
11-2 Fujitsu - MICROS Documentation & Software - Ver.2.2 June 1998
13-0 HITACHI-Electronic Data Book- Literature and Software - Edition
6.0 Ver.1.1 October 1997 Win/Apple
13-1 HITACHI-Electronic Data Book- Literature and Software - Edition
8.0 Nov.1998 Win/Apple
15-0 Honeywell Optoelectronic Prodacts - February 1998
16-0 ISSI Data Book - Memory Based Solutions - Spring 1998
17-0 IDT product & company informations - Spring 1998
18-0 INTEL - Products and product selector - aug 1998
18-1 INTEL - Technologies - aug 1998
18-2 INTEL - Tools and motherboards - aug 1998
19-0 KEIL Software - Release 11,98
21-0 LEVEL ONE - Communications - 1997 / Win/Macintosh/UNIX
21-1 LEVEL ONE - Networking Design Guide - Essential Information for
component and design engineers
23-0 Linear Technology - Ver.1.0 1996
23-1 Linear Technology - Product Data Applications - Ver.3.0 11/1998
25-0 MAXIM - Product Data Sheets - Ver.1.0 1997
27-0 MICROCHIP - Technical Library - June 1998 Win/UNIX
28-0 MITEL - Semiconductors - Product Information and Application
Notes Ver.3.0
29-0 QUICK LOGIC - Data Book - 1997 Win 3.11/95/NT
31-0 SGS-THOMSON - Edition 4 1997 Order Code:CDDATASH497
31-1 STMicroelectronics 1999
33-0 Siemens - Semiconductor - Edition 8 November 1996
33-1 Siemens - Semiconductor - Edition 9.1 1998
35-0 SII Seiko Instruments - Components - 1997
37-0 Texas Instruments - TMS320C54x (Digital Signal Processing)
37-1 Texas Instruments - Designer's Guide and Databook - Mixed-Signal
& Analog - July 1997
37-2 Texas Instruments - Selection Guide and Databook - February 1998
37-3 Texas Instruments - DSP - 1999
39-0 VISHY-Telefunken - Diodes and Transistors Technical Library -
39-1 VISHY-Telefunken - Optoelectronic Technical Library - 1999
40-0 XILINX Data Book - application notes - Rev.6 1998
41-0 Zilog - Technical Library - 1998
UWAGA >>> Dla zainteresowanych wysylam streszczenia zawartosci plyt.
From: "Chris" <_borq__at_nospam_friko6.onet.pl>
Subject: Re: NEW2-Katalogi CDROM
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:43:17 +0200
Dlaczego wiekszosc plyt z twojej listy mozna zamowic DARMO w internecie u
samych producentów na ich stronach www ???
Szkoda ze wiekszosc z tych plyt juz mam , moglibysmy zrobic wymiane . Widze
ze nie masz w ofercie np katalogow z SONY , Panasonic , Rohm , Sanyo ,
Samsung , Philips
Robert <qsin_at_nospam_archimedes.pol.lublin.pl> wrote in message
Posiadam orginalne plyty CDROM z katalogami elektronicznymi:
Zainteresowanych prosze o kontakt. Istnieje mozliwosc skopiowania za
symboliczna -:) zlotowke (koszt plyty + przesylki + rekompensata czasu
straconego na przegranie).
Oto nowa lista plyt:
Nr NAZWA / Edition / Data / SYSTEM / Uwagi
01-0 ACTEL Data Book and Design Guide - 1998
02-0 ALTERA - Digital Library - September1998
02-1 ALTERA - MAX+PLUS II Programmable Logic Development Software -
02-2 ALTERA - Target Applications - Reference designs for DSP,PCI, and
communications applications
03-0 AMD-FLASH MEMORY Products - 1998
03-1 AMD-Networking Products - Ver.1.0 11/96
03-2 AMD-Networking Products (Literature and Software) - Ver.4.0 11/98
05-0 ANALOG DEVICES - Designers'Reference Manual - Winter 97/98
07-0 ATMEL PRODUCTS Configurable Logic Microcontroller - October 1998
09-0 FAIRCHILD Semiconductor - Logic & Memory - 1998
11-0 Fujitsu - Semiconductor Data Book - December 1997
11-1 Fujitsu - Semiconductor Data Book - June 1998
11-2 Fujitsu - MICROS Documentation & Software - Ver.2.2 June 1998
13-0 HITACHI-Electronic Data Book- Literature and Software - Edition
6.0 Ver.1.1 October 1997 Win/Apple
13-1 HITACHI-Electronic Data Book- Literature and Software - Edition
8.0 Nov.1998 Win/Apple
15-0 Honeywell Optoelectronic Prodacts - February 1998
16-0 ISSI Data Book - Memory Based Solutions - Spring 1998
17-0 IDT product & company informations - Spring 1998
18-0 INTEL - Products and product selector - aug 1998
18-1 INTEL - Technologies - aug 1998
18-2 INTEL - Tools and motherboards - aug 1998
19-0 KEIL Software - Release 11,98
21-0 LEVEL ONE - Communications - 1997 / Win/Macintosh/UNIX
21-1 LEVEL ONE - Networking Design Guide - Essential Information for
component and design engineers
23-0 Linear Technology - Ver.1.0 1996
23-1 Linear Technology - Product Data Applications - Ver.3.0 11/1998
25-0 MAXIM - Product Data Sheets - Ver.1.0 1997
27-0 MICROCHIP - Technical Library - June 1998 Win/UNIX
28-0 MITEL - Semiconductors - Product Information and Application
Notes Ver.3.0
29-0 QUICK LOGIC - Data Book - 1997 Win 3.11/95/NT
31-0 SGS-THOMSON - Edition 4 1997 Order Code:CDDATASH497
31-1 STMicroelectronics 1999
33-0 Siemens - Semiconductor - Edition 8 November 1996
33-1 Siemens - Semiconductor - Edition 9.1 1998
35-0 SII Seiko Instruments - Components - 1997
37-0 Texas Instruments - TMS320C54x (Digital Signal Processing)
37-1 Texas Instruments - Designer's Guide and Databook - Mixed-Signal
& Analog - July 1997
37-2 Texas Instruments - Selection Guide and Databook - February 1998
37-3 Texas Instruments - DSP - 1999
39-0 VISHY-Telefunken - Diodes and Transistors Technical Library -
39-1 VISHY-Telefunken - Optoelectronic Technical Library - 1999
40-0 XILINX Data Book - application notes - Rev.6 1998
41-0 Zilog - Technical Library - 1998
UWAGA >>> Dla zainteresowanych wysylam streszczenia zawartosci plyt.